December 18th 2018
START: 5:30 p.m.
Sala conferenze del Museo Hermann Nitsch
Vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/d, Napoli
A conference starting from a book.
Speaking: Mario Costa, Vincenzo Cuomo, Maria D’Ambrosio, Matteo D’Ambrosio e Filippo Fimiani.
The Hermann Nitsch Museum will host Mario Costa. L’uomo fuori di sé (The man outside himself), a conference with philosopher Mario Costa and experts from different esthetic fields.
This event will be an opportunity to discuss the essays presented by Mario Costa to International debates on the aesthetic-anthropological impact of new technologies.
With reference to his recent books, and those dedicated to him, the author and the experts will reflect on the new theoretical thought created by Costa, already in the early Eighties of the last century, focusing on concepts such as “communication aesthetics”, “technological sublime”, “communication block”, “aesthetics of flux” and now, “technological outsourcing”.
In particular, the event will be centered on these recent books:
Mario Costa, L’uomo fuori di sé. La fotografia, il fonografo e il telefono nella Parigi del XIX secolo, Mimesis, Milano 2018
Mario Costa, Artmedia. L’oggetto estetico dell’avvenire. Storia di un progetto scientifico, Kaiak Edizioni, Tricarico 2017
AA.VV., Arti e tecniche nel Novecento. Studi per Mario Costa, Kaiak Edizioni, Tricarico 2017
Mario Costa, Technology, communication and aesthetics of de sublime, in AA.VV., Viva Voce. Conversations with italian philosophers, State University of New York, 2017
Mario Costa (Torre del Greco 1936) is a philosopher and an innovator of the aesthetic studies. His books Il sublime tecnologico (1990/1998), L’estetica dei media (1990/1999), La disumanizzazione tecnologica (2007), Dopo la tecnica (2015), known in Italy and abroad, launched an international debate on the transformations produced by new technologies in Art and Aesthetic, and opened the path to a philosophy of the technique completely unnoticed in Italy. Professor of Aesthetics at University of Salerno, where in 1985 he founded and directed “Artmedia”, a permanent Laboratory on the relation between techno-science, philosophy and aesthetic. In the same years, he also taught at “L’Orientale” University of Naples and at “Sophia-Antipolis” University of Nizza.